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People search online for many reasons. They search for things they need to buy, for research, or they search for a specific website. So, how do customers find your website? What makes them choose yours over the competition?

Choosing your keywords depends on the traffic your business is looking for. Do you want sales? Do you want brand awareness? Do you want to educate? 

We need to answer these questions first. That’s how we set a goal for our campaign. We have a clear focus on who we want to reach. The real goal is to dominate your industry and have everyone’s business. 

It’s not how it works in the real world. 

You have many competitors trying to get the same piece of the market. 

They want their share, just like you do. That’s where keywords come in handy.

When looking into keywords, relevance, frequency, and authority are three things to consider. 


When looking at your industry, there are some natural keywords. You don’t want to use physical therapy as a keyword if you are a chiropractor. This will not get you clients looking for spinal adjustments. While “physical” and “therapy” may be terms you use in your practice, the term “physical therapy” is misleading and not relevant to a chiropractor in the same way it is to a physical therapist’s practice. 

You want to use the most relevant terms as your keywords. The more relevant your keywords are, the better your search rankings will be. The less relevant, the more your search rankings will drop.


Frequency serves two purposes. First, it can be the number of keywords in your content. Second, it can be the amount of fresh content posted and how often. Search engines have programs that analyze your online content. If you have too many keywords, and they don’t appear naturally in the content, the programs will rank your site lower due to keyword padding. This is a poor practice and frowned upon. Besides, it doesn’t do any good.

The frequency of your fresh content is important to consider. If you don’t change things up on your website, search engines may view your website as less relevant or outdated. Updating your content frequently also allows search engines to view you as an industry expert and rank you higher.


Becoming an expert in your industry requires time and money to learn it, hard work to build your reputation in the local market, and perseverance when times become tough. 

Building your expert authority in your online presence doesn’t happen overnight. When building yourself as an authority, you need engagement. This means that you become trustworthy and knowledgeable when other businesses and individuals link to and share your information.

In the 21st century, having an online presence for your business is essential. Don’t make the same mistakes your competitors do. Be the leader, not the follower.

Almost 70% of people start their purchasing journey online, and most of those searches are on a mobile device. People are looking for specific information. Products and services, reviews, background on the business, location, hours of operation, and pricing top the list of people searching for. Having this information online sets one business apart from the competition. 

Now, one final question. Do you want to be the leader of the pack or the follower?

Contact us to learn more about what makes a good keyword and how it should be used in your marketing plan.

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